

What is SocialGood and how to earn SG coin


SocialGood is a digital currency based on Blockchain technology. The currency aims to encourage people to do charitable work and contribute to social causes by providing financial rewards. SocialGood Coin is distributed as a reward to users who purchase products and services from participating merchant partners.
When a user purchases a product or service from one of the participating merchant partners, he or she is awarded a free SocialGood token at a percentage of the value of the purchase. Users can use this currency in the future to pay for other purchases or to donate to participating charities.
The goal of SocialGood is to motivate people to support social causes by turning everyday purchases into an opportunity to contribute to charity. Purchases from participating trading partners contribute to increasing demand for the currency and thus increase its value.

SocialGood Explained: Get Crypto Rewards

SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards is a program that offers rewards in the form of a digital currency called SocialGood (SG) to users who purchase products and services from participating merchant partners. The program was launched with the aim of encouraging people to do charitable work and contribute to social causes by turning daily purchases into an opportunity for social contribution.

How SocialGood works

The program works as follows:
Buy from participating business partners: SocialGood partners with a variety of business partners across industries such as retail, travel, and technology. When a user purchases a product or service from one of the participating partners, they are given a free SocialGood (SG) token at a percentage of the value of the purchase.

Earn Cryptocurrency Rewards: The SocialGood (SG) Cryptocurrency earned from the purchase is transferred to the user's digital wallet. The user can use this currency to pay for other purchases from participating partners or to donate to supported charities.
Support Social Causes: SocialGood gives users the opportunity to financially support important social causes. Users can donate the SocialGood (SG) cryptocurrency they own to participating charities and social initiatives.
Social Impact Tracking: Tools are provided to track financial contributions and social impact achieved by users. Users can monitor how donations are being used and the impact they are achieving through the dashboard.

SocialGood is an opportunity for users to contribute to charity and support social causes through everyday purchases. The program contributes to increasing social awareness and motivating communities to carry out charitable works and social impact. However, users should note that SocialGood (SG) is a digital currency and is subject to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market and associated risks. Before investing in or using it, you should conduct the necessary research and understand the risks associated with it.

How to withdraw SG currency from the SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards application to an external wallet

To withdraw SG coin from the SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards app to an external wallet, you must follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards app on your smart device and log in to your account.
  2. After logging in, go to the balance or wallet menu in the app. You will find your balance of SG currency available for withdrawal.
  3. Click on the “Withdraw” option to start the drawing process.
  4. You will need to select the external wallet address you wish to withdraw the currency to. This could be your own digital wallet address on a cryptocurrency exchange or a standalone wallet that supports SG.
  5. Enter the correct external wallet address and confirm the transaction.
  6. You may be asked to confirm the operation by entering your verification code or password.
  7. After confirming the operation, the withdrawal request will be processed and the SG currency will be sent to the external wallet address you specified.

You should remember that a withdrawal may require time to process, and fees may be applied by the blockchain network or platform you are using. Processing time and fees may vary depending on current network and platform conditions and requirements.
It is always recommended to ensure that you enter the correct external wallet address and review all details before completing the withdrawal process to avoid losing the currency or sending it to the wrong address.

How can I use the SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards app to get SG coin?

To benefit from the SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards app and obtain SG coin, you can follow these steps:

  • Download and install the SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards app on your smart device from the appropriate app store for your operating system (such as the Google Play Store for Android devices or the App Store for iOS devices).
  • Open the application and create a new account if you do not already have one. You can also sign in with your existing account if you have created one previously.
  • After logging in, you may be asked to activate your account through necessary verification procedures, such as confirming your email address or mobile phone number.
  • Once your account is confirmed, you will be presented with the main application interface where you will find participating trading partners and available offers.
  • Browse participating merchant partners and search for products or services you would like to purchase.
  • Purchase from participating merchant partners by clicking on the offer associated with the desired product or service.

After purchasing, you will be given SG Coin as a reward at a specified percentage of the purchase value. You can view your SG balance in the Balance or Wallet section within the app.
You can use your SG token to pay for other purchases from participating merchant partners or to donate to supported charities.

Is there a minimum purchase to get SG as a reward?

Yes, in the SocialGood: Get Crypto Rewards app, there may be a minimum purchase to get SG coin as a reward. However, the minimum can vary from one trading partner to another and may change over time.
Minimum purchases are usually set based on the value and availability of the SG currency, and are intended to encourage users to make purchases. The minimum may be set as a specific amount in local currency or a specific percentage of the value of purchases.
To know the minimum purchases and specific conditions for receiving SG Coin as a reward, it is recommended to check the rewards policy and terms and conditions in the app, or contact the app support team for more specific and updated information regarding the same.

Invitation code: 8PHATK
Download the application: SocialGood>>

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